
Friday, March 6, 2015

Catholic Nuns and Priests ruin lives – Reform catholic education Pope Francis

An anonymous reader (AR) told me how he or she felt about getting a catholic “education.” Some of you who went to catholic schools and others like me who went for religious instructions have a good idea of how AR feels.

I agree with AR that the Catholic Church leadership knew exactly what they were doing through their nuns and priests --the psychological damage was done by design.  “The Catholic Nuns and Priests taught young people not to think, ----- but to follow their directions blindly!” said AR.

They prevented the children from reaching their ultimate level of success. “It is like being locked in a closed room with no way to escape -- the Catholic Philosophy of life stifles the creativity of the individual for the welfare of the Catholic Corporation,” said AR.

Here is AR’s experience:

Many people have wasted their lives because they were never taught "how to think," and in the process, design a life based on their own goals, and their own talents, skills and abilities. The Catholic Church destroys creativity and molds people into non-thinking robots. It makes them "slaves" of the Catholic Church! As a young person, I lived this life with my parents. ---- Somehow I managed to break free from this indoctrination, but the damage is still there in the form of missed opportunities.

Throughout my life I was always fighting the "under dog" battle. I always had to work harder than other people to get the same rewards, and I blame this on the poor quality education I got in a Catholic School. If I had NOT been manipulated into a "mickey mouse" way of thinking who knows where I would be today? YES, I am very thankful
for what I have, and for what I accomplished, but there is a side to me that feels that I have not reached my ultimate level of success. I feel like a race car on the track that has yet to put the "pedal to the metal!"

What the Catholic Schools did to young people is criminal. Psychological damage is just as devastating as physical damage! The Nuns and Priests got into the heads of people, and sold them a "bill of goods" that stated that they were somehow "unworthy!"
QUESTION: If God does not make "junk," how can his creation be
"unworthy?"  Too bad all the nuns who taught me are dead! I would love to have the opportunity to "tell them off!"

I have a good idea of what AR means. When I went to religious instructions (for about 4 years) the room was dark, the nun walked around telling us in a loud, harsh voice about venial sins, mortal sins – that we were all going to hell – that we were all no good. There was never talk of a God who loved us. We weren’t even allowed to go to the bathroom.  After my early history of abuse by nuns and priests I thought I was in hell with devils.

In spite of his negative experience with the nuns, AR has written A Daily Inspirational Concept that should hang on the wall where we can see it every day:

“If you think better, --- you will live better! ---- If
you want to add value to your life, take care
of every moment! ---- If you "learn to think better"
you will live better! ---- Thinking is the force
behind your daily actions! ---- Thinking determines
what you accomplish on a daily basis. ---- What
you accomplish determines your destiny! ---- And
it all starts with your "thinking!" ---- YES, you can
think your way to "success," and you can think
your way to "failure!" ---- The choice is yours!
There is "GREATNESS" in you, if you take the
time to discover it! ---- You can be "positive" or
"negative" in life! ---- You can believe "I Can," or
you can believe "I Can't!" Either way you are right!

Thank you AR.


  1. "Everything you can imagine is real!" (Pablo Picasso / Spanish Painter)

    YOU create your own reality!

    YOU make things happen in your life by design!

    If YOU believe, that YOU can achieve success, YOU will achieve success!

    YES, it is all up to YOU, and what YOU accomplish on a daily basis!

    A positive outlook on life, will bring positive results!

    If you want success, DO NOT hang around negative people!

  2. Do not listen to negative people and / or negative organizations. Set your own goals. Remember, if you do not have "self-designed / realistic goals in your life," you will be working for other people who have their own goals. The Catholic Church has their own goals. QUESTION: Are those goals in alignment with your goals? Before you follow any organization, make sure that their goals are in alignment with your goals. The goal of the Catholic Church is to control people, and get as much money as possible, so that the clergy can live well! QUESTIONS: Do you agree with that goal? Do you want to give your money towards that goal?

  3. The quality of your life is up to you! ---- You can either make things happen in your life by design, --- or --- you can let things happen in your life by chance! ---- Either way you are responsible for your ultimate level of success. ---- You can control your own life and your thinking, ---- or ---- you can allow a corrupt organization to control your life, your thinking and your future! ----- The Catholic Church wants to control your thinking so that they can achieve their goals! ---- QUESTION: ---- What do you want?

  4. "Take a minute; ---- look at your goals, --- look at your performance, --- see if your behavior matches your goals!" ----- (Kenneth H. Blanchard / American Author)

    Catholic schools DO NOT teach young people how to set goals! --- They do not teach young people how to develop a "plan of action" to achieve those goals! --- They do not teach young people how to use 100% of their talents, skills and abilities in a focused / determined / organized / professional manner! ----- Yet, Catholic Schools "profess" that they are educating the whole human being. ---------- Someone is lying to someone! ----- Catholic Schools do not produce independent thinkers! ---- Catholic Schools want to produce robots! ----

  5. "People who feel good about themselves produce good results!" ----- (Kenneth H. Blanchard / American Author)

    This is the "key" to achieving all that you can be in life. Catholic Schools and the Catholic Church never allow the individual to "feel good about themselves!" As far as the Church is concerned, the individual is never "ok," and the individual is always deficient in some shape. manner or form. But the Church, and the Clergy always have the answer, and that answer is always in the form of attending an additional service, and giving more money to the Catholic Corporation. The Catholic Church does not sell a "positive message" to the individual member. It sells "negativity!" You cannot build a "positive life" on a "negative message!" The Catholic Church wants to control you so that they can become richer! ----- What do you want in your life?

  6. I am a product of a Catholic School Education, and it almost destroyed my life! In life, if you want to be successful, you have make a choice. You can peck on the ground with the chickens, or you can fly with the eagles. You cannot think small and achieve big things! You cannot associate with negative, small minded people, and achieve ultimate success by pushing your limits, and in the process, discovering your greatness. You cannot achieve your goals by being anchored to a negative, out of touch, selfish organization, that is more interested in their self-preservation than the welfare and self-improvement of the membership! You cannot active success by listening to a negative message!

  7. "The will to win, ---- the desire to succeed, ---- the urge to reach your full potential, --- these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence!" ----- (Confucius)

    NOTE: ---- You will never hear this concept preached as a sermon in a Catholic Church! You will never hear the Catholic Clergy talk about "personal excellence" and "self-actualization!" You will never hear the Catholic Church telling its membership that "they should be all that they can be both in school and in life," and that they should "push themselves to high levels of success!"

    Personal success has nothing to do with the "game plan" of the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Clergy. They could care less about the people of the church! They are there to be used and abused. They philosophy of the Catholic Church is to "bleed the people dry of all their money!" Helping people to "think positive about life" in not one of the goals of the church! The Catholic Church wants to create mental cripples! Independent thinking is not encouraged! Blind obedience is the golden rule!

  8. If you want to be successful in life, ----- "You have to learn the rules of the game. ---- And then, you have to play better than anyone else!" ----- (Albert Einstein / German Born Theoretical Physicist)

    The Catholic Church has been "playing games" for years. For years, the Catholic Church has been using and abusing children, while hiding behind the Christian Religion. Then they use every legal trick in the book to hide, and protect the guilty clergy from prosecution by civilian authorities! ----- YES, the Catholic Church has learned the "rules of the game," and they play the game very well! ----- They use and abuse people everyday, and they get away with the "criminal act," because they hide behind the "shield of religion!" ---- They use the "funds donated by the faithful" to pay "hush money" and "legal judgements against the clergy" for crimes against children. The German SS were prosecuted for war crimes, and they paid the price. Why can't we get the same justice for the children who were abused by the Catholic Clergy in the United States? Are they above the law?

  9. If they aren't being prosecuted it's because the donations are used to pay off government and legal officials locally and federally (with lobbyists). Cutting off their money is how we can stop this.

    1. The people who have been abused by the clergy of the Catholic Church have the moral right to expect, and to receive justice both from the Church, and the Civil Authorities. The leadership of the Catholic Church has no right to ignore these abused people. These people want justice in the courts, and they want the offending clergy punished according Civil Law, ----- NOT Church Law!

      What is the role of the average Catholic in this issue? It is obvious, that the leadership of the Catholic Church is doing everything possible to hide the offering clergy. They will not take proper action unless they are forced to take action. The only way the leadership of the church will listen to the membership on this issue is if the membership demonstrates their feelings by withholding their weekly contributions. The Catholic Church respects money. As a Christian, the membership has a moral obligation to support the people who were abused! Lets stand together on this issue! Make the Church turn over their files on the offending clergy!

  10. "The game of life is the game of boomerangs. ----- Our thoughts, deed, and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy." ---- (Florence Shinn / American Artist)

    This is a perfect model for the Catholic Church. Over the years, the clergy of the Catholic Church has abused, manipulated and talked down to both children and adults. They have gone out of their way to make people feel less than "OK!" They have abused and used children in their schools and institutions, and in the process, they have hid their deeds behind the Christian religion. They have used their positions to make people robots of the Catholic Church, and to encourage them to give until it hurts. ----- Well, --- their words, deeds and actions over the years are coming back to haunt them. Their "cover" has been blown, and now people of ethics and principle are demanding accountability from these criminals. Notice, that they are all running for cover like rats from a sinking ship! ---- Cut off their money supply and we will get justice for the child abuse! Make these criminals pay for what they said and did to children!

  11. "There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream or desire a reality!" (Anthony Robbins / American Life Coach & Author)

    That powerful driving force is you ability to "think!" If you think in a positive / creative fashion positive things will happen to you in life. ---------- The opposite is also true!

    The Catholic Church does not present the positive side of life, ----- nor does it encourage independent thinking. Rather, the church presents "negativity as the norm," while fostering dependency on the Church for salvation. The Catholic Church, through is clergy, would never build up a person's self-esteem. Feeling good about yourself, as a member of the Catholic Church, in NOT in the "play book" of the Church. The Church wants robotic followers that will kneel on demand, and empty their pockets into the collection basket! They need "money" to pay "hush money!"

    Only YOU can change YOUR LIFE! ---- No one can do it for YOU!

  12. The Catholic Church and the Catholic Clergy are all about "power" and "control" over the individual member! ---- It is the opinion of both the Church and the Clergy that the membership should "do what they are told to do," --- "when they are told to do it," ---- or ---- "they will not be saved by the Church!" ----- QUESTION: --- Why would any thinking person want to be controlled by a corporation that abuses children, and hides the criminals in the ranks of the clergy? ---- If you "change your thinking," you can "change your life!" ---- The abused people of the Catholic Church need your support! ----- Force the Catholic Church to turn over the records of the criminals by withholding financial support! ----- The victims are more important the the corporation. ----- Justice is more important than the corporation. ----- If a person cannot get justice in the Christian religion, then where can they get justice?

  13. you can't say it too many times: stop funding the catholic church's pedophile support programs. Stop donating to an organization that mis-uses your money and spends it on defending criminal priests.

  14. Everyone sets new goals on January 1st! --- Most people end up not liking their goals by the middle of the year, because they are a "reminder of what they have been ignoring" for the past six months. ---- They are a "reminder" of what they should have been doing, and working on 24 / 7 / 365.

    Here is a simple goal that can help many people. --- Make it a point, from this moment on, that you will support the people who have been abused by the Catholic Church and the Catholic Clergy. ---- Help these people get justice!---- Your support is a simple process. All you have to do is to refrain from giving any money to the Catholic Church! Force the Catholic Church to open their files on Criminal Priests and Nuns! This simple action can help many people to get the justice that they deserve! ---------- QUESTION: --- Are the Catholic Clergy above the law? ---- Be part of the "solution," not part of the "problem!" ---- The loss of income will get the attention of the Corporation Management!

  15. The Catholic Church, through their clergy, have created "dependent thinkers" rather than "independent thinkers." They wanted it that way, because they wanted complete control over the individual person for their entire life. They achieve this goal through intimidation in their schools. They "physically" and "psychologically" beat the creativity out of the individual student. They created little non-thinking robots who would follow orders without question. In the process, they have destroyed lives, and they simply do not care!

    FACT: ---- You are in charge of your own life, and your own future. Yes, YOU can take control of your life, and make things happen in your life by design! You start to take control of your life and your future, when you take control of your "thinking!" When you take control of your own thinking, you then change your beliefs, and doors then open for you to walk through!

    The Catholic Church is loosing membership everyday! They know that they are in "big trouble," and they do not know how to stop the bleeding of their corporation. People, who were educated in their re-education camps, (know as Catholic Schools), have seen the light, and are now leaving the sinking ship, and thanking their money with them!
