N.J. priest in sexting sting thought he was talking to 16-year-old boy, wanted
to meet
Here's another news article about a bishop covering up for a pedophile priest. The reason bishops cover up for pedophile priests is that they have cardinals as role models and these cardinals, like Joseph Ratzinger before he was Pope Benedict and Jorge Bergoglio before he was Pope Francis who also covered up for pedophile priests.
I want to protect you and your loved ones from being victims of crimes by the catholic church and all abusers. I want to give survivors of sexual and physical abuse a voice to be heard all over the world. All abuse of children and adults by religious groups and by any organization or individual must be stopped. We can add our voices to a growing, worldwide community of people who want truth and justice. Share your experiences with me and others on this blog. @GeorgeBarilla on twitter
Monday, September 30, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) defended a pedophile priest just as Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger) did before him
César Grassi is a priest convicted four years ago of molesting a 13-year-old
boy in the late 1990s. He was sentenced to 15 years in jail. But until this
week he was free. Why? Because Pope
Francis, the then cardinal Bergoglio headed up the Argentine bishops’
conference who secretly lobbied judges to allow Grassi to stay free while he
appealed his conviction. Francis and his group said Grassi should go free and
tried to discredit the victims.
Grassi founded Fundacion Felices los Niños (the Happy Children Foundation) in 1993, to rescue street children. The foundation cared for 6,300 children in 17 homes across Argentina from 1993 to 2002. Grassi did the opposite of caring for the children – he used the foundation to molest and rape them.
Grassi’s trial lasted for nine months, with testimony from 130 witnesses. He was found guilty of two acts of aggravated sexual assault and corruption of minors in the case of “Gabriel.” He was acquitted of 15 other counts of abuse of two other boys. Why was Grassi acquitted of so many counts of abuse? Right after he was found guilty in June 2009, Frances/Bergoglio approved the hiring of a leading criminal defense lawyer and legal scholar, Marcelo Sancinetti, and secretly authorized an extensive examination of Grassi’s prosecution.
Sancinetti’s report strongly stated Grassi’s innocence and denied that there was child sexual abuse. The report went to judges who had not yet given their decisions in the case. It dismissed accusations against two of the victims and attacked the credibility of “Gabriel,” of whose abuse Grassi was convicted. The existence of this investigation and report commissioned by the bishops and Francis/Bergoglio was revealed in December 2011 by Juan Pablo Gallego, an attorney for the Committee for Oversight and Implementation of International Conventions for Children’s Rights, who had represented the victims at the trial. Gallego called the study a "scandalous instance of lobbying and exerting pressure on the Court" and accused the bishops of "further hindering a process that has outrageously granted the condemned priest a situation of almost unthinkable freedom."
Throughout the trial, Grassi said he was backed by many bishops, especially Francis/Bergoglio. Grassi said of Bergoglio that he “never let go of my hand [and] is always at my side.” Pope Francis has, for a long time, been a public supporter of the Happy Children Foundation, but he said little to defend Grassi publicly after his arrest. In a 2006 interview with Veintitres magazine, Bergoglio said that "justice will determine" Grassi's innocence, although "there is a media campaign against him, a condemnation in the media." As usual, when the news is good, the Vatican praises the reporters. When they write something unfavorable they have a campaign against the pope
In 2010, the Criminal Appeals Court of Buenos Aires denied Grassi’s first appeal but again the local court ruled that he could remain free. Although the prosecutor and victims’ attorneys tried to have Grassi detained, they were rejected twice in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, Grassi’s bishop Luis Eichhorn asked the court if Grassi could live a house with a swimming pool and large park, on the same block as the Happy Children headquarters, where Grassi had assaulted Gabriel. The Court granted Bishop Eichhorn's request.
Early in 2013, the Criminal Court ruled that Grassi had violated conditions of his freedom by mentioning one of his victims in a TV interview. Grassi’s lawyers again appealed and finally, (September 19, 2013), the Supreme Court of Buenos Aires rejected Grassi's appeal and ratified his 15-year sentence. On September 23, 2013, the Criminal Court ordered that Grassi immediately go to prison to begin serving his sentence. It had taken 11 years after his arrest and four years after his conviction for him to start serving his term but he is still a catholic priest. Francis hasn’t changed that.
According to BishopAccountability.org
who documents the crisis of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church with more
than 100,000 pages of church records, legal documents, and media reports it is
disturbing that Francis lobbied for Grassi so recently (in 2009 and 2010).
BishopAccountability who summarized the case we are also wondering why Francis
has talked publically about financial corruption in the church and the “poor
and needy” but says nothing about the cover-up of clergy sex offenders by bishops
and the suffering of the abused children. Like all the popes before him for
2000 years, will he continue to ignore the global issue of sexual abuse of
children perpetrated by his priests and nuns?
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Pope Benedict XVI denies covering up priest abuse
The first time we hear from Joseph Ratzinger (alias
retired pope benedict) he denies covering up priest abuse. There is
overwhelming evidence from reputable sources that massive cover up is exactly
what he did -- so his statement is worse than a lie.
To make himself sound even less believable, Ratzinger/Benedict
also said that the abuse by clergy was not worse than in other organizations
that have access to children (boy scouts, school coaches, etc). Is he saying that because others molest and
rape children that it is acceptable that priests and nuns do the same? By
saying, “we’re not the only ones” he is admitting his guilt.
Jeff Anderson, a Minnesota attorney who defends victims
told the Religion News Service he considered Benedict's responses
"alarming and disturbing." The Survivors Network of those Abused by
Priests (SNAP) issued a statement saying: "The opposite of 'covering up'
is 'uncovering' or 'disclosing,' We cannot name one predatory bishop, priest,
nun, brother or seminarian who was publicly exposed because of Benedict."
Benedict also denied a claim that abuse is widespread in
the catholic church. Where is the proof
that this is another lie? Read the news
articles, the legal testimonies, the horror stories by the victims (www.amazon.com/author/g.barilla.book.smothered). Just a few examples:
Ratzinger was pope he was a cardinal and head of the vatican’s congregation for
the doctrine of the faith whose supposed job was to “defend those points of Christian tradition which
seem in danger because of new and unacceptable doctrines.” He spent his long career ensuring that the
rape and abuse of children by clergy was never reported to the authorities. It was his job to discipline pedophile
priests. His “punishments” included giving them jobs away from children
(promotions in some cases) or moving them to another parish. Those that were
promoted had more opportunity to continue their abuse and hide other priests
doing the same atrocities.
Hullerman in 1980, was a known pedophile priest accused
of kidnapping and raping an 11-year-old boy. Ratzinger sent him for psychiatric
therapy and back to work within a few days. Ratzinger
then personally oversaw the transfer of Hullerman from one diocese to another
in Germany where he was later convicted for molesting boys in another
Ratzinger knew about the sexual abuse of 200 boys from 1950 to 1974 at
st. john's School for the Deaf outside Milwaukee. He called off internal
punishment of the accused priest, Lawrence Murphy. These
crimes are described in a documentary film, "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in
the House of God." Barbie Latza
Nadeau of the Daily Beast reviewed the film (9/9/12) that “the Holy See doesn’t
want you to see.” She said:
“…it should be compulsory viewing for all Catholics,
whether they blame or defend the church, for its clarity and insight into just
who holds responsibility for decades of child abuse at the hands of clergy.”
said Nadeau. Of course the Vatican had
no comment.
In Oakland, CA youth ministry priest Stephen Kiesle’s colleagues found
him to be molesting children; they wanted him defrocked but the future pope
benedict XVI would not act on the case
for six years, while Kiesle still worked with children. The vatican even
confirmed that ratzinger's signature was on letters about the case.
The Seattle
Times wrote (April 9, 2010) that the letter may be the strongest challenge yet
to the vatican's insistence that benedict played no role in blocking the
removal of pedophile priests during his years as head of the church's watchdog
office. Do we know how many more children were molested during those six
years? In his letters, ratzinger asks
for “very careful review and more time. Time to molest? Ratzinger said
he was concerned about the "good of the universal church" and about
the young age of Kiesle, that punishment would ruin his reputation. How young
were the victims and did he care about their lives?
Finally, after leaving the priesthood, Kiesle was arrested
and charged in 2002 with 13 counts of child molestation from the 1970s. All but
two counts were thrown out after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional
a California law extending the statute of limitations. He pleaded no contest in
2004 to a felony for molesting a young girl in his home in 1995 and was
sentenced to six years in state prison.
Was he ever sorry? More than a half-dozen victims reached a settlement
in 2005 with the Oakland diocese saying Kiesle had molested them as children.
"He admitted molesting many children and bragged that he was the Pied
Piper and said he tried to molest every child that sat on his lap," said
Lewis VanBlois, an attorney for six Kiesle victims who interviewed the former
priest in prison. "When asked how many children he had molested over the
years, he said 'tons.'”
There are many more instances of
ratzinger/pope benedict refusing to take steps to protect children. According
to Dave Altimari writing in The Hartford Courant (8/4/12), just days before
joseph ratzinger was elected pope in 2005, the Norwich, CT diocese bishop
requested that a priest, Thomas Shea, who sexually abused at least 15 girls in
11 different parishes be defrocked – Ratzinger did nothing about it. As a
priest in good standing, Shea received a pension of about $15,000 a year and
all of his health insurance costs, including his nursing home bills were paid
for by the church. Altimari included a
quote: "No Catholic official on the planet has more power or knowledge
about clergy sex crimes than Pope Benedict. Yet he still takes virtually no steps
to help and sometimes, like this case, takes steps that hurt.''
You can decide whether Benedict/Ratzinger's
words today reflect the documented history of what he previously said.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Church abuses victims of childhood sexual abuse by blocking law to protect them
John Hrabe, an investigative reporter for Huffington
Post, San Francisco is betting that Jerry Brown, governor of California will
sign into law a bill (SB131) to give victims of childhood sexual abuse more
time to file lawsuits against the organizations like the catholic church who
allowed those crimes to take place. Whether Brown, a former Jesuit seminary
student (who decided not to become a priest) signs the bill or not will not be
known until October.
Lawmakers in government have been trying to block this
effort to aid sexual abuse victims. Why?
The answer is money, says John Hrabe. Organizations
that protected and covered up for abusers of children don’t want to be held liable
for what they did. According to Hrabe, catholic dioceses in California have already
spent $1.2 billion in abuse settlements and would rather spend hundreds of
thousands of dollars on a lobbying campaign to block the bill to avoid more
settlements. They hired five lobbying firms who distorted the facts and spread
misinformation about SB 131.
William A. Donohue, a spokesperson for the church and president
of the catholic league for religious and civil rights, said: "In
California, in particular, there has been so much progress that priestly sexual
abuse has long since ceased to exist." John Hrabe, couldn’t believe what he was
hearing. He said, “Ceased to exist?
Donohue doesn't understand that the threat of sexual abuse is ongoing. It never
ceases to exist because there are always more predators. Victims will always
face an uphill battle to be taken seriously. For that very reason, big
institutions must remain ever vigilant and adopt procedures that encourage an ongoing
discussion about sexual abuse.”
California Assemblywoman Diane Harkey, (R), the strongest
opponent of the bill commented that it was supporting trial lawyers and just
opening old wounds. These words were
strongly criticized by Joelle Casteix, a regional director for SNAP (Survivors
Network of those Abused by Priests). Casteix
said that these words were a “slap in the face to the brave victims” and that
“the only way old wounds are opened is when abuse is kept secret and wrongdoers
are allowed to continue in abuse and cover-up.” So again, we have the church pouring money into abusing the already abused and protecting themselves. Where does all this money come from? Hopefully not from the donations of those parishioners who still believe it goes for helping the poor and abused.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The pope and the Nazis –then and now
Santayana, poet and philosopher once said: “Those who
cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." We won’t see the vatican writing press
releases on their past friendship with Adolph Hitler or their present Nazi
ties. But if we don’t remember the past
we will find ourselves in the same place, reliving the same horrors.
In 1933 the then pope, pius XI, decided that being a Nazi was better than being a communist because the church didn’t want to share its money and riches. The pope’s plan was to appease Hitler so that catholic clergy in Germany could keep their comfortable lifestyles. The pope’s ambassador in Berlin (Cesare Osenigo) said he was “jubilant” about Hitler's rise to power, hoping that Hitler’s new government would treat the German church as well as Mussolini treated the church in Italy.
In 1933 the then pope, pius XI, decided that being a Nazi was better than being a communist because the church didn’t want to share its money and riches. The pope’s plan was to appease Hitler so that catholic clergy in Germany could keep their comfortable lifestyles. The pope’s ambassador in Berlin (Cesare Osenigo) said he was “jubilant” about Hitler's rise to power, hoping that Hitler’s new government would treat the German church as well as Mussolini treated the church in Italy.
Hitler knew
that the pope and the church were greedy.
He said: “We should trap the priests by their notorious greed and
self-indulgence…. They will swallow anything in order to keep their material
advantages….” (reference: The Catholic
Church and Nazi Germany”, Guenter Lewy, 1964).
Because the church
and Hitler were so cozy, everyone trusted Hitler and that allowed him to get
more powerful. He had enough time and
fooled enough people so that crimes against humanity like the Holocaust could
take place. This agreement between church and Nazi clearly showed the mindset
of the church. The church sees itself as a “perfect society,” and responsible
for protecting itself first – not its parishioners. As the head of the
church, the pope is its chief protector – of the church, not of us.
The church and Nazi ties today
Yes, the
church still has Nazi ties. Nicole
Winfield reported (09/16/11 Huffington Post) that Jewish groups are worried
about the vatican’s relationship with a group of catholics, including a bishop,
Richard Williamson, who denies that the Holocaust ever happened. This
Swiss-based society of st. pius X believes
that Christ's death was the fault of all Jews and didn’t want to be under Vatican
control. The previous pope benedict said that they could come back into the
“fold” without having to give up their beliefs and lifted Williamson’s
Does that
mean the pope shared the same pro-Nazi beliefs? This group is a danger because they have six
seminaries, three universities and 70 primary and secondary schools around the
globe. In addition to Williamson it has three other bishops, more than 550
priests and 200 priests in training. Are they training to incite another
Holocaust? The new pope doesn’t talk about these skeletons
in the vatican closet.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Pope pressured to stop money laundering in the Vatican bank: Too little, too late
many years of vatican bank money laundering, no financial transparency, disappearance of
money, denials of blame, bank collapse, Mafia dealings and murder the new pope francis
– under a “recommendation” from the European
anti-money laundering committee Moneyval -- created a commission to look into
the bank’s dealings.
Experts on money-laundering predicted
that the Moneyval report would contain serious misgivings about whether the
bank did anything to end “its reputation as a channel for Mafia profits of
crime, arms deals and even the financing of terrorism.” Moneyval
said in a July 2012 report that the vatican still had a way to go.
For the past
three years the previous pope tried to clean up bank dealings after evidence
showed that the previous head of the bank, monsignor Angelo Caloia had expanded
money laundering and was keeping secret accounts for favored politicians since
the 1970s and 1980s.
the vatican really police itself? Look at their track record:
1942: Vatican bank set up to finance works of charity worldwide. From the start activities of the bank were controversial and there were allegations of questionable movements of money and gold during and after the Second World War.
1969: The
vatican bank’s criminal business took off when lawyer, banker and Mafia don
Michele “The Shark” Sindona was given the job of running it by his old friend
pope Paul VI. Sindona used the bank to launder the Gambino Mafia family’s heroin
profits. By the late 1970s Sindona and his bank were being investigated by
Italian judges, prosecutors and politicians, several of whom were murdered. In
1986 Sindona, serving a 25-year sentence for murder, was poisoned in his cell
by cyanide in his coffee.
2012 (March
8, Philip Pullella, Reuters) reported that the U.S. State Department added the
vatican to its list of money-laundering centers because of the large amount of
international currency handled by a very secretive vatican.
Still At It
June 2013: The new pope has incentive to do something since there is a new money-laundering case: a Holy See monsignor Nunzio Scarano, withdrew more than a half-million euros in charitable donations (yes, yours!) from the bank and then used the money to pay off his personal mortgage. Also, Italian prosecutors are investigating two former vatican bank top executives on suspicion of repeatedly breaking Italian money laundering laws.
The vatican doesn’t
want transparent financial records; they want to keep secret the bank’s 35,000
accounts, $7.5 billion in assets and the $55 million a year that the banking
business produces for the church. These figures may just be the tip of the iceberg
because no one really knows the total wealth of the church.
Does an
organization like this care about the poor, abused and abandoned of the world?
Do they use the contributions from millions of Catholics to help people – or to
fatten their wallets? In the daily news the new pope has lots of distractions
for the faithful while he slams the door on auditors who want to see what he is
really doing with our money – just like he slams the door on survivors of nun
and clergy abuse. The pope has time to meet with and tweet with everyone else
except those who suffered the most.