Here is a link to a video
about the nuns that know but won’t tell what was done to innocent
children. Thank you Cait Finnegan for
posting the link on the SNAP blog.
I want to protect you and your loved ones from being victims of crimes by the catholic church and all abusers. I want to give survivors of sexual and physical abuse a voice to be heard all over the world. All abuse of children and adults by religious groups and by any organization or individual must be stopped. We can add our voices to a growing, worldwide community of people who want truth and justice. Share your experiences with me and others on this blog. @GeorgeBarilla on twitter
Friday, February 28, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Newark parishioners pay for Archbishop’s luxury retirement home: Pope Francis is ignored
Archbishop John J. Myers spends his weekends at his 4,500-square-foot home on
8.2 wooded acres at the end of a private drive in the hills of Hunterdon County,
NJ. With five bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a three-car garage and a big
outdoor pool, it’s valued at nearly $800,000. The home, built in 1989, has
property taxes of $18,695 last year -- before the addition. But that’s not big enough or fancy enough for
So he is
building a three-story, 3,000-square-foot addition which will be ready for his
retirement in two years, according to the NJ Star-Ledger. The third floor will
house a 28-foot by 28-foot gallery with sweeping views of the property and a
fireplace on each level said the Ledger. A "wellness room" will
connect the main house and the addition. It will include a hot tub and a
14-foot by 7-foot Endless Pool, where Myers can swim in place.
Who is
paying for all of this luxury? We are of
course! Myers’ spokesman, Jim Goodness,
said that money for the addition will come from the sale of other church-owned
properties – like churches and schools. Donors also have contributed to the
project, Goodness said but wouldn’t tell which properties are being sold or how
much was received in donations. While the property will revert to the church
once Myers knocks on the pearly gates, there will probably be other greedy
clergy to take his place.
Myers obviously is not paying any attention to the pope," Charles Zech, faculty director of the Center
for Church Management and Business Ethics at Villanova University’s business
school thinks that Myers is not listening to Pope Francis’ admonishment for
clergy to live a simpler lifestyle. "This is extreme, way beyond what
you’d expect to happen. I can’t believe the parishioners of Newark are going to
allow this to happen," said Zech.
parishioner, Joan Rubino, was furious when told about the work on the home.
Rubino, who who regularly contributed to the archbishops’ appeal for funds —
called Myers a "hypocrite." She said, "To ask people to make
sacrifices and then to live in a sumptuous residence, it makes me very annoyed.
Isn’t there a better use for this money? In plain English, I feel like people
are getting screwed."
is taking money out of the pockets of parishioners," Zech said.
"Current revenue and past revenue at one point all came from parishioners.
If he thinks he can sell property and use it for his own extravagant needs,
it’s mind-boggling."
Myers isn’t
the only clergy with rich tastes. The pope suspended the bishop of Limburg,
Germany, in October for spending $42 million to renovate his residence and
other church buildings. The German press called the free-spending cleric the
"Bishop of Bling."
The current Metuchen
NJ bishop, Paul Bootkoski, contributed a portion of his own savings toward the
purchase of a future retirement home near Lake Mohawk in Sussex County, The
diocese picked up the remainder of the cost, but would not provide the precise
amount. The diocese closed on the home for $471,000 last year, property records
Earlier this
year, Camden Bishop Dennis Sullivan came under fire after using diocese funds
to buy a historic 7,000-square-foot home in Woodbury. The house, with eight
bedrooms and six bathrooms, cost $500,000. The bishop said he would share the
house with two other priests – how generous of him. What about a three bedroom apartment in a
senior citizen home?
Most of us
can’t even retire and certainly will downsize our homes and lifestyles. Living
in luxury is not on our horizon, especially if we donate money to support life
styles of the rich and famous clergy.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Another cardinal hides under Pope Francis’ robes
Here we go again: the church
pays off victims of clergy sexual abuse with our money, the Cardinal protects
the priest and keeps evidence from the police. The Cardinal goes free.
The Los Angeles Roman
Catholic archdiocese agreed to pay $720 million to clergy abuse victims. Internal files were released that showed
Cardinal Roger Mahony shielded priests and ordered an underling to withhold
evidence from police, but Mahony and other archdiocese leaders are unlikely to
face criminal charges. The Cardinal
exchanged money for the key to a jail cell.
For Cardinal Mahony and other
church hierarachy their priorities were to protect priests, keep parishioners
in the dark and defend the church's image. Suffering children were not even on
their radar.
What did the priest do? Nicolas Aguilar Rivera sexually abused 25 altar
boys, a young priest in training and100 additional children in Mexico both
before and after he “served” in Los Angeles. He was defrocked in 2009 after victims’
attorneys in Los Angeles filed the first of their lawsuits.
Where is the defrocked pedophile
now? He fled to his native Mexico in
January 1988 after Mahony's top aide, Monsignor Thomas Curry, tipped him off
about complaints from parents and warned that the church would call police. The
complaints came in on a Friday, and Curry met with the priest Saturday morning.
Police weren't notified until Monday. By then, Aguilar Rivera was gone.
Aguilar Rivera remains a
fugitive and is believed to be somewhere in Mexico. U.S. authorities have an
arrest warrant pending and could arrest him if he returns to American soil. What about the Mexican children? God help
As is usual for all pedophile
enabler clergy, Cardinal Mahony was rewarded for his efforts. After giving his trial deposition last year,
he went to Rome and helped elect the new pope. A month ago, he celebrated Mass
with Pope Francis at the Vatican before having a private meeting with him. What
does this say about the catholic church, the pope and the college of cardinals
who elect the pope – that pedophile priests are more important than innocent
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Petition on Obama’s website to have rapist priests registered as sex offenders
This link is for the website “We the People” set up by
the Obama Administration to allow U.S. citizens to create petitions on topics
of the people’s choice. It sounds like a
good idea but before the Administration will look at it there must be 100,000
signatures on the petition. When it gets to 150 signatures it is
searchable. For most people, especially
those who are abused or disadvantaged or disabled it is too difficult to get
all of the signatures and that is the comment I sent to the Whitehouse. Does Obama want that many signatures because
it is a significant number of voters and then it’s important to the
That said, I am trying to get as many people as I can to
sign the petition that asks to have all rapists (including priests) registered
as sex offenders. Maybe if that was the law what happened to me and to
thousands of other children would not have happened. Here is what the petition says:
we petition
the obama administration to:
To have all rapist; Registered Sex Offenders;"
There is so much evidence; to prove that
the Catholic Priest raped Children;" (they are rapist) and still till
" this day in 2014 the Catholic Priest are not treated like any other
rapist;" Why ? they are still out there to rape again. All rapist should
be Registered Sex Offenders
Created: Feb 17, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Pedophile priest escapes trial as Pope hires expensive lawyers
How is it possible for a repeat child molester, using
his status as a priest as a cover-up to stay out on the streets preying on
unsuspecting children? The catholic
church makes it possible and has been doing the same thing for many decades.
Davis Clohessy, St. Louis,
Director of SNAP*, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (
gave an example how this happened in a Missouri case.
SNAP, started 26 years ago by Barbara Blaine, a survivor
of clergy abuse is the largest, oldest and most active self-help group for
clergy sex abuse victims, whether assaulted by ministers, priests, nuns or
rabbis. SNAP is a confidential, safe place for wounded men and women to be
heard, supported and healed. SNAP works tirelessly to achieve two goals: to
heal the wounded and to protect the vulnerable. The organization has more than
10,000 members and support groups meet in over 60 cities across the U.S. and
the world.
The case was filed more than two years ago (2011). This
week St. Louis City Judge Phil Heagney delayed (until July) this child sex
abuse and cover up lawsuit against St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson and the
priest, Joseph D. Ross (whose whereabouts are unknown). Said Clohessy, “We are saddened by this
callous decision. Once again, justice is being delayed because Catholic
officials refused, time and time again over months, to obey a court order and
because, at the very last minute, they brought in more expensive lawyers…”
From Pope Francis on down the Catholic officials’
hierarchy ladder, they claim to be changing how they deal with clergy
abuse. Not true. For decades, they've
exploited every delay tactic possible, made litigation as tough as possible on
victims, and obsessively held onto their secrets for as long as possible, and
they still do all of the above right now.
Joseph D. Ross walks freely among unsuspecting families
and helpless children. Says Clohessy, “And Catholic officials make no effort
whatsoever to help police or warn parents, choosing instead to focus their
energies and spend their money evading their moral responsibility and hiding
their irresponsible actions.”
The delayed
lawsuit said that the molestation began when the female victim, was just five
to six years old in the late 1990s and early 2000s. She is now 19 years old. The
molestation took place while the victim was in Ross' “care” while her mother was
in choir practice. The suit says the abuse took place in various rooms inside
the church.
September 2008 Ross was arrested for this same crime in Arkansas, where he'd
been living since his removal from the priesthood in 2002. In 2010 charges were
dropped just before trial and the civil lawsuit was filed in Oct. 2011.
In 1988,
Ross had pleaded guilty in St. Louis County Circuit Court to sexually abusing
an 11-year-old boy in 1986. Ross had also admitted to
police that he'd been arrested twice previously for sexual misconduct with
adults, and that he was accused of molesting an 8th grade boy at a parish in
the 1970s. He received two years’ probation. The archdiocese sent Ross
to St. Luke Institute, a Maryland treatment center for priests with sexual
disorders. Any psychologist will tell you that pedophilia is not curable. From
there he was assigned to St. Cronan's catholic church. The lawsuit said that
the archdiocese knew that Ross had a history of sexual abuse before he was ever
assigned to St. Cronan's. Parishioners were not
informed of his history of sexual misconduct, including the conviction.
Ross is not
the only priest, ex-priest or nun sexually abusing children in their trust. The
same facts have been repeated over and over. Always the catholic church, under
the leadership of the pope, tries to stop justice for the abused. There are
many more examples in my book and if you set a Google alert for “pedophile
priest” you will get many more examples delivered to your inbox. It’s time we
stop the predators – and that is what the mission of this blog is – to let you
know what they did and what they do to our children and to us. If we don’t stop
them who will?
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Catholic School mind invasion: the nuns follow the Pope’s design
James Mitchell went to catholic school – it scarred him for life. He speaks from experience and I hope that anyone
with a child in catholic school will take her or him out before it’s too late. Here’s
nuns in the Catholic School made it impossible for the "child" to
develop self-confidence, self-esteem, a positive self-image, and the necessary
talents, skills and abilities to be successful. The nuns made the child
dependent on them for all thinking and reasoning. Everything was evaluated from
the point of view of the "Catholic Philosophy of Life," which was
always in alignment with the "Catholic Church," and "Catholic
Religious Teachings." There was no room for "individual
creativity" and / or "independent thinking." This restricted
intellectual growth and development. It did not encourage free thinking, and
looking at all of life's possibilities.
the individual became an adult, the child still exists within the individual,
and when they are faced with a challenge, that "inner child" controls
what they are capable of doing within their life. They are always waiting for
the "nuns to evaluate" what they are capable of doing. I have
struggled with this issue throughout my life. When faced with a
"challenge" I first think; --- "I do not have the ability to
accomplish this task," --- then, I have to realize where this idea is
coming from, ---- and then I have to shift my thinking, and go in a positive
"I can do it direction!" ----- The Catholic Church, (through their
evil nuns), has destroyed many young human beings, and it takes a "life
time" for the individual to come to a realization of what went on, and how
to overcome the programming of the nuns!
nuns and their negative programing have limited the lives of many people
through their sick programming, but it was done out of design, and for the
control over the individual. Recognize that major damage has been done to these
people that cannot be seen by routine medical tests. ------ The human mind is a
very delicate instrument. It is like a computer, in that a computer can be
programmed to say that 2 + 2 = 5! --- We know logically that 2 + 2 = 4, but we
can get a computer to come up with a different answer. ------ The nuns have
done this very thing to young children, and this damage has carried over into
their adult lives.
about the Catholic Church is designed to control the individual. They make the
individual believe that only the Catholic Church can save their soul. They tell
the individual that "success," in the "here and now," is
not important, but rather, "success" in the afterlife is all
important, and that the Catholic Church has the "keys to heaven!"
They tell the individual that it is their duty to support the Catholic Church,
and to give until it hurts. My question was always "hurts who!" ----
I refuse to be a "slave to the Catholic Church, the nuns and the
priests!" ----- I will attend any Christian Church that I desire, and I
will participate in any and all parts of the service as I desire, and this includes
receiving communion in any Christian Church, and I do not care what the
Catholic Church, the nuns, the priest and / or the Pope thinks about my
behavior! ---- From the time that I started Catholic School in 1948 I always
felt that the Catholic Church, and its restricted form of education, was an
anchor around my neck! ----- Dwayne”
is a teacher and motivator. He says, “I loved my teaching job. I went out
of my way to help the students to not only learn my subject, but to also learn
the other subjects in the school's curriculum.” Let Dwayne know what you think, share your
experiences about the nuns and catholic school.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Former nun condemns Pope Francis for letting pedophile priest run free
Mary Dispenza a former nun who was raped by a priest
at age seven thinks that pope francis is more interested in good PR than in
stopping priest abuse of children. As
Mary says, it is great news that the United Nations has condemned the Vatican
and the bishops for violence, rape and sexual abuse against children (see
January 20, 2014 post). Yes, the pope and his entourage are criminals because
they transferred known pedophile priests from one unsuspecting parish to
another and so allowed these crimes. Mary said, “It's shameful
that in spite of Pope Francis' refreshing compassion toward the poor and
downtrodden, to
date he has not addressed the issue
fully. Pope Francis is caught up in the shame and like most of his brother
bishops, seems unwilling to say, “Enough is enough -- not ever again in our
church will one of these little children be
Like many of the survivors including myself, Mary
repressed the memories of abuse until she was in her 50s. The
pastor of Mary’s parish suspected Father Rucker of "touching" little
girls in 1947 but the bishop just transferred him over and over until 2002,
when he was finally defrocked – that’s 50 years – five decades of abuse. Thirty three women are now accusing him of
child abuse – who knows how many more were abused? This is abuse that could
have been prevented
A key point that Mary makes is that all the abuse was not in the
past – that is what the Church would have us believe. Mary says, “It lives on today. Pedophiles are
still in the priesthood. Coverups of their crimes are happening now, and
bishops in many cases are continuing to refuse to turn information over to the
criminal justice system. Cases are stalled and cannot go forward because the
church has such power to stop them. Children are still being harmed and victims
cannot heal.”
Mary knows as I know (as written in my book) how many tens of
thousands of children were, are and will continue to be abused. Because Pope
Francis is the leader of the Church he must tell the bishops and all clergy and
nuns down the ladder to put the safety of children first.
We, all the survivors that can speak up for ourselves -- and for
those too damaged to speak call on Pope Francis
to take action: report sexual
abusers to civil authorities, release the criminal records, order every bishop to immediately defrock any pedophile
priest who has ever sexually abused children – keep them away from the children
all over the world!
to Mary’s article on CNN:
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Pope Francis the milkman: the parishioners drink Cool Aid
that someone “drank the Cool Aid® today means that the person completely
believes something without questioning it. This applies to certain catholics as
described by my friend Dwayne.
James Mitchell is a survivor of abuse by catholic school nuns. He is also a
teacher and motivator, is ex-military and a person who has helped me deal
with the abuse I suffered at the hands of the Pope's henchmen (and women). I
think Dwayne's words should be shared with others and we
both would like you to share your thoughts with us.
They are one dimensional people when it comes to their religion. ---- They DO
NOT allow themselves to think for themselves. ----- They just accept blindly
what the clergy tells them. (That is the way that they have been trained in
Catholic School.) They never question. ---- They never take a stand!
They are afraid to disagree with the Catholic Church because they want their
children to be educated in the local Catholic School. ----- They believe that a
"Catholic School Education" equals a "high quality academic
education." While there might be some exceptions in very expensive
Catholic Academies, ---- the average Catholic School cannot come close to the
curriculum offered by the Public School, especially in Technology areas.
------- In addition, Catholic Education is more about
"indoctrination" rather than "education."
They believe that the Pope will take care of them, and that he will eventually
improve things within the Church, and in the process, make positive things
happen. (The fact is that the Pope could "care less about the
people," and he does not even know that they exist. ----- His goal is to
milk as much money out of them as possible during their life time. ------ The
management of the Catholic Church is there to "keep the faithful in line
and on their knees with their check books open for the taking! ------ They
could care less about the welfare and the quality of life of the people. ----
They want the "faithful" to be subservient to the clergy and the Catholic
Church. ----- They NEVER want the faithful to feel good about themselves!
------ They never wanted the faithful to have a "positive
relationship with a positive / loving God." ------- For the Catholic
Church to survive, the religious experience must be negative, and the Church
needs to be in control at all times.
They like the Catholic Service! ---- But they have never allowed themselves to
experience the services and / or beliefs of other Christian Churches, because
the Catholic Church does not allow them to visit and they are told and believe
that the Catholic Church is right, and everyone else is wrong. ---- They
believe that to listen to the message of other Christian Clergy or to disagree
with the Church is a sin! ---- (They have a one sided belief of the Christian
Religion, ----- the Catholic Side!)
They are afraid to confront the issues in their own mind! ---- They are afraid
to consider leaving the Catholic Church for another Christian Church because of
family pressure. ------ (What would their family think?)
The sexual and physical abuse of children is not a "big issue" with
them because they were not abused as children, so as such, the system worked
for them, and as long as they can work through the system with their children
everything is "ok!" (It is all about "ME" and
"MY STANDING" with the local Catholic Clergy and the local Catholic
They have the simplistic / non thinking attitude that states; ---- "I was
born a Catholic, and I will die a Catholic!" ---- (It doesn't matter what
the Church does, they will never challenge the actions of the Catholic Church
and the Catholic Clergy. ----- they have "blind faith" and
"blind loyalty" to the organization!
They are told that only the Catholic Church can save their souls.”
When I read what Dwayne wrote
I ask myself: “Do I need a self-serving business organization to save my soul? Can’t I pray to God in any church or any place
I choose? I believe I can, Dwayne
believes it and I hope that you believe it.
We can do better with our donations than give it to an organization that
will use it to pay high priced lawyers to defend its criminals. We can do
better for our children and grandchildren than to send them to schools that
will abuse them and turn them into unthinking robots. Let’s do it.