Right or Left Children Don't Count |
Clinton doesn’t talk directly about child sexual abuse but we can figure out
what she may think by looking at her history. Hillary Clinton professes to be a
champion of women and girls, but one woman who was raped as a 12-year-old in
Arkansas told the Daily Beast she doesn’t think Hillary deserves that honor. In fact, she says: “Hillary Clinton Took Me through
Hell.” The woman was the victim in a
1975 sexual abuse case that was Clinton’s first legal defense – for the rapist. This woman says Hillary knew the accused
rapist was guilty but used dishonest tactics to get her attacker off with a
light sentence (one year) when he could have spent 30 years to life in prison.
victim had only spoken to the media once about her attack in 2008. She is
speaking out now after she heard Clinton talk about her case on newly
discovered audio recordings from the 1980s. The Washington Free Beacon found
the tapes archived at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, part of
thousands of pieces of Clinton history being slowly released and made public.
On the tapes, Clinton appears to say that she was aware of her client’s guilt,
brags about successfully getting the only piece of physical evidence thrown out
of court, and laughs about it.
took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which
forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Clinton says on the recording,
failing to hold back some chuckles.
a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, the victim accused Clinton of intentionally
lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit
evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her
attackers’ guilt on the recordings.
the audio recordings, taped by Arkansas reporter Roy Reed, who for some reason
never published them, Clinton tells how she discovered that investigators had
cut out and lost a section of the rape suspect’s underwear that they said
contained the victim’s blood. Clinton then brought the remaining piece of
underwear to a blood expert in Brooklyn, NY, and tried to convince him to lend
his heavyweight reputation and influence to her defense case. Clinton said, “And so the, sort of the story
through the grapevine was, if you get him interested in the case, then you know
you had the foremost expert in the world willing to testify so that it came out
the way you wanted it to come out.” When
she told the judge that the famous expert was willing to testify, instead of
the original charge of first-degree rape, the prosecutors let the rapist plead
to a lesser charge: unlawful fondling of a child. He was sentenced to one year
behind bars, with two months reduced for time served. A second attacker was
never charged.
her interview with The Daily Beast, the victim told what the rape did for both
her childhood and adult life. A virgin before the assault, she spent five days
afterwards in a coma, months recovering from the beating that accompanied the
rape, and over 10 years in therapy. She never married or had children. She
turned to drugs, went to prison, but has been sober and stable for several
years, living on disability. She doesn’t
believe that Clinton can be a role model for women or president of the United
States. She is concerned that speaking
out will make her a target for attacks, but she no longer feels she is able to
stay silent.
other facts give us an idea of Hillary’s mind set. Kathleen Willey is a former
White House aide who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. Willey told The
Daily Caller about tactics she believes Hillary used to order the suppression
of her deposition. Despite Hillary’s claims that she is a running a campaign of
“love and kindness,” Willey said that in the months leading up to her
deposition, “all I felt was fear and terror.”
She found a dead cat found on her porch, there was a man under her deck
at night, and a stranger in her out-of-the-way neighborhood asking
threateningly about how her children were doing.
she was enraged when she hear Hillary Clinton say, “every survivor of sexual
assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.” Willey said that nobody in the mainstream
media has ever had the nerve to ask Clinton anything about what she was
responsible for doing to all of the victims of Bill Clinton. Willey said, “And
believe me, she is the one behind all of the terrorization, and the trashing of
all of us who have suffered at his hands. She’s behind it all. She’s hired the
private investigators, she’s done it all.”
has come out about campus sexual assault, saying that it needs to end. In this
case she said, “I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault:
Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard.” We won’t find out whether this is just
campaign speak or not – but it does sound contrary to some of her former
Donald Trump
is no specific information on Trump’s campaign website about his views on child
sexual abuse. He has, however made comments that show that he puts his own
interests above those of sexually abused people.
a rally in Pittsburgh last April, Donald Trump spoke to a group of football
fans and said:
know a lot about Pennsylvania, and it’s great. How’s Joe Paterno?” he asked the
crowd, reading from a piece of paper, “We gonna bring that back? Right? How about
that whole deal?” He was referring to
the statue of football coach Joe Paterno that used to stand outside of Penn
State’s football stadium. That statue
was removed when it was found that Paterno had helped cover up a sexual abuse
scandal with the perpetrator his assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky. So Trump was saying
that sexually abusing children or covering up for such abuse, can be forgiven
as long as the criminals win enough football games. He was trying to get the crowd on his side and
they enjoyed it.
Beach billionaire Jeffrey Epstein manages large amounts of money and gives a
lot of it to politicians. He is also a convicted sex offender who is being sued
by at least a dozen of his then-underage victims. Epstein was sentenced to 18
months in jail and served 13 before being released. If people are judged by the
company they keep, then we should look at Trump’s relationship with Epstein and
Bill Clinton.
Clinton traveled at least 10 times on Epstein's private jet, called the
"Lolita Express" by tabloids, and he visited Little St. James,
Epstein's private island in the US Virgin Islands. The island was where many of
the worst crimes against minors were committed by Epstein and friends.
although he would like to drag Bill Clinton’s dirty laundry into Hillary’s
spotlight will probably not talk about Epstein. That is because links between Epstein and
Trump exist. Trump's attorney Alan Garten says Trump had "no
relationship" with Epstein, and only knew him because Epstein was a member
of Mar-A-Lago, Trump's private club and residence in Palm Beach. "A lot of
people hung out there, including Jeffrey Epstein," Garten said. "That
is the only connection."
there is some evidence that Trump and Epstein had a somewhat stronger
connection. "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New
York magazine in a 2002 profile of Epstein. This was three years before Epstein
began to be investigated – so Trump may not have been aware of his escapades. At that time Trump said, "He's a lot of
fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do,
and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys
his social life."
is evidence that Trump once flew on Epstein’s private jet, that they had
dinners together and Epstein knew Trump. The FBI had a copy of Epstein's
private 194-page phone book with names of well-known political figures: Prince
Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, former Utah governor and Republican
presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, Senator Edward Kennedy, and Henry
Kissinger. Epstein's telephone book also contained the names of Trump's former
wife, Ivana, his daughter Ivanka, and his brother, Robert. Under Trump’s name
there were 14 phone numbers, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and
numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman. Since both Epstein and Trump
were businessmen with many interests, we can’t say that the phone numbers
represented other types of relationships.
Epstein’s 2009 investigation one of the lawyers for the victims served Trump
with a subpoena. Trump immediately contacted him. "During the
conversation, Mr. Trump was open and forthright," The lawyer said. "I
cannot discuss the substance of the conversation. But I will say that it was
obvious to me that he was in no way involved in any untoward activity." It was also found that in 2007, Trump’s club
Mar-A-Lago had barred Epstein because Epstein tried to pick up the underage
daughter of a Mar-A-Lago club member.
Candidates and Pope
“I am not a Catholic, but I am a great admirer of the Pope, because I think
what he’s trying to do is to take the venerable institution, the Roman Catholic
Church, and really once again place it on a firm foundation of the
scriptures—Christ’s words.” It’s
difficult to imagine that Clinton has no idea of Pope Francis’ hidden agenda of
putting the church first, covering up for bishops that hide pedophile priests
and talking about but doing nothing to make children safe or bring justice to
the victims. Maybe she wants to pander to the catholic “faithful” so they vote
for her.
went to the nation’s largest Christian university, Liberty University, in
January to pledge, “I’m going to protect Christians,” who he said are losing
their power in American society. So like
Hillary, Trump seems to be telling Christians just what they want to hear. He also traded “words” with the pope in a
political duel – most likely both of them were trying to increase their ratings.
a presidential election year no candidate is brave enough to fly the “stop
child sexual abuse” banner for fear of losing voters. That is a sad commentary
on the priorities of the United States – that everything else is more important
than the children.