Under all the “bread and circuses” and smiling face of Pope Francis is his true nature: he doesn’t care if the child rapists in the church keep raping and never get punished.
The Italian Bishops' Conference, with the Pope’s blessing has once again embraced the policy that states they are not obliged to inform police officers if they suspect a child has been molested. If I, you, or anyone with humanity knew of a child rapist running loose we would report them to the police and they would be locked up. Are priests above the law? For the past 2,000 years they have been above the law or they were the law – isn’t it time to stop them?
David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests said, “With the blessing of the Vatican, Italy's bishops have formally declared they have no duty to call police if they suspect that a child is being sodomized or raped. The stunning, depressing and irresponsible contradiction between what Vatican officials say about abuse and do about abuse continues. And the tragic consequences for kids continue too. This policy – which codifies the long-standing and heartless practice of most Catholic bishops on the plan – will mean that more innocent children will be sexually assaulted.”
The Italian Bishops' Conference said the policy reflected suggestions from the Vatican's office that handles sex abuse investigations. Any “suggestion” coming out of the Vatican has the Pope’s stamp of approval. So less than a week after Pope Francis appointed a new commission to help the Catholic Church put an end to clerical sexual abuse and a few weeks after the United Nation’s report blasted what it called the Vatican's code of silence" around abusive priests – the church is right back to its old criminal tricks.
After the UN report what did Pope Francis announce to the news media about his policy on clerical child rape? He said: "The Catholic Church is perhaps the only public institution to have acted with transparency and responsibility. No-one else has done more. Yet the Church is the only one to have been attacked." Is he in touch with reality – or is the reality that he approves of child abuse?
UN children's rights experts say that "tens of thousands of children worldwide" have been sexually abused by predatory clerics as a result of moving, rather than reporting, clergy child rapists and blasted what it called the Vatican's “code of silence" around abusive priests. How many more international organizations, child advocates, parents and survivors – how many crying children with destroyed lives have to tell the Pope and his minions who hide behind God to STOP HURTING THE CHILDREN!
So the next time you see Pope Francis smiling at the camera and saying what wonderful changes he is making in church policy -- know that he is lying when it comes to stopping the evil that touches millions of innocent children.
The Catholic Church has always been about lying to the membership! ----- Criminals are running the Catholic Church, so why wouldn't they protect the criminals that are abusing children. (If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck!) ---- The Catholic Church will NEVER turn over the Clergy to the civilian authorities, because the abuse goes throughout the Catholic Clergy from the bottom to the top! It is the "good old boy network!" Everyone is covering their own ass! I cannot believe that the average member of the Catholic Church cannot see through this "smoke screen" that is being put out by the Pope. ---- Children have been, and will continue to be abused by Catholic Priests, Brothers and Nuns as long as the members of the Catholic Church keep supporting the Church with their weekly donations. If they cut off their money supply, the leadership of the Church will start to clean their own house. They will throw these criminal clergy to the lions! ------ Just my opinion. ----- God bless!
ReplyDeleteYes, money is the root of all evil in this case --- it is supporting evil. We should all cut off their money supply, you are correct
DeleteOur own Government; gives $2.9 Billion Dollars to the Vatican" according to President Obama ; the Vatican is suppose to help the poor;" I sent an email to President Obama & an email to Vice President Biden" asking have they checked the Vatican's books to see if the $2.9Bl. is going to the poor" or is it going to the lawsuits; I haven't received a response back yet ? I have also contacted Beau Biden in Delaware, he sentenced a Doctor to life in prison; for raping children. Here's what I don't get" just about every Parish in the State of Delaware Priest and Nun's have abused children " & Beau Biden knows this and he is a Catholic. In my email to him, as a victim; I believe that the Child Molester" ( rapist ) found a loophole in the religious system. I contacted Beau Biden's office because I wanted to have The Priest arrested " but the Statue Of Limitation " is protecting the Priest" and also Mnsgr. Cini in Delaware......I also asked President/ Biden in my email , what is the difference between , War Crimes & The Catholic Church Abuse on Children ?
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic Church is VERY well connected with the governments throughout the world. Many of the leaders in government are members of the Catholic Church, so as such, there is a BIG conflict of interest. ---- Everyone at that level is in bed with one another. ---- The average person is not even considered. We are all here to serve the religious and political machine, and we are expected to do so without question. It would not surprise me that the church would try to silence those of use who are complaining about child abuse with "excommunication!" ---- Now that is a BIG empty threat. ---- Ask yourself this question, why would anyone in their right mind, who is capable of thinking and reasoning want to be a member of a Church that routinely abuses children, and then hides the criminals in their ranks. ----- By it's own behavior, the Catholic Church has defined itself as the "Church of the Devil!" I have not been to confession since 1968, and I am proud of that fact. I would NEVER discuss my private life with the Criminals of the Catholic Church. Since I have stopped attending Catholic Church Mass my life has gone from extremely negative to positive. Rather than attending Catholic Services on Saturday or Sunday I listen to Joel Osteen on Sunday morning on TV. He presents Christianity in a positive fashion, and he discusses the possibilities of life. On the other hand, the Catholic Church always talks about how much of sinner you are, and the need for more money. ----- The Catholic Church does NOT represent the Christian Religion. It is a self-serving Christian Cult who only wants to keep the organization solvent in terms of financial obligations. They could care less about you and I. We are expendable and we are to be used for the greater good. We are just the financial foot soldiers. Just keep the money coming, and the Catholic Church will guarantee you salvation. The truth is that the Catholic Church cannot save itself. The Catholic Church is like the Titanic. It is going down. It is just a matter of time. If you want the Catholic Church to take responsibility for their past actions cut off the weekly donations. Get the attention of the Priests, Pastors. Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope. Make them accountable to the people. If they choose not to be accountable, find a bible based church and go on with your life. The clergy of the Catholic Church is NOT to be trusted with you soul and with your children. They are very negative / manipulative / deceitful / money hungry people who always have hidden agendas when dealing with people. They speak in "half-truths" in order to get their way, and to secure the financial contributions. They believe that the only law that applies to them is church law. That is why the Catholic Church will never turn over their criminal nuns and priests. We all deserve justice! ---- Just my opinion. ----- God bless!
DeleteThey will never stop. I don't know why, but raping children is the main mission of the catholic cult. It seems to me that their goals of imperialistic growth and accumulation of wealth are simply designed to support their quest to rape and psychologically abuse children. It is the most corrupt and evil institution in the history of the world. Judge it by its actual actions, not the bullshit PR and propaganda it produces. Judge it by the hundreds of years of systematic abuse and the obvious intention to continue and spread that abuse and culture. I am shocked and disgusted that their lemmings support them financially and politically. I am shocked and disgusted that others don't seem to be outraged by these disgusting cretins.
ReplyDeleteI know that Snapnetwork, also Blogs like this" are doing everything they can to help expose the Priest & Nun's " yes we must continue on ;" but we (The Victims) have to get out there in the hundreds, in Washinghton; so our faces can be seen & our voices heard, if we don't get out there in the public eye" then it will continue to go on and on...........also our Government & the Catholic Church will just continue on with their business just like nothing ever happened; ask yourself " how many decades old is the abuse and for decades the Catholic Church has gotten away with, raping, torturing, abusing children;" and then ask yourself "how many hundreds of victims have marched in Washington all at one time ? I myself have never seen it or heard about anything like this on the TV News .............if it was on the TV News" then it was silenced very quickly" as usual " isn't that the norm" with the Vatican or the TV News" to silence the VICTIMS again" just to be pushed back into the closet ! !
DeleteOver the years, the Catholic Church has administered the "Catholic Cool Aid" to both the children in Catholic Schools and to the Adults. They have a large segment of the "Catholic Faithful" brainwashed into thinking that only the Catholic Church can save their soul. The question becomes is "How can a Church that is in league with the Devil save anyone's soul? That would be equivalent to placing a Fox in the "hen house" to guard the chickens. People need to open their eyes, and think for themselves! The Catholic Church is like a cancer. It is destroying people's lives. Children have been abused in the past, and now that they are adults they are living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the Catholic Church does NOT care. They ignore the problem, except for paying "hush money" to protect their own ass! Where is the just for the individual? ---- Just my opinion. ---- God bless.
DeleteYes, raping children is the main mission of the catholic cult -- said simply and concisely. I agree that everything else they do supports this mission and it will continue unless the faithful realize the evil they are following. Do you think we can educate them? That is what the mission of this site is and all the great comments like this one make that mission likely to succeed.
DeleteThe true colors of the Roman Coward Church are finally exposed; yellow on yellow.
ReplyDeleteMike Ference
There are two reasons why the Catholic Church will fail and they are ignorance and arrogance. The ignorance comes into play, because they really do not see the damage that they have done to human beings over the years. They really believe that they are doing God's Work, because they have a distorted view of God and Christianity. --- The arrogance comes into play because they believe that they are above the criminal law, and they have friends in high government places to protect them from attack. A plan of action might be for all the abused people join in on a massive international class action law suit, not for just financial gain, but to force them to sell their real estate holdings thus bankrupting the Catholic Church forever. Attack their holdings and you control the church. ---- Just my opinion. ----- God bless.
DeleteMike, that is one of the best names I've heard for the catholic church! They should change their robes to yellow.
DeleteSince our Government is giving $ 2.9 billion dollars to The Vatican" that money comes from the taxpayers here in the United States" Why can't all of the victims get together " and do like you said" a massive international class action law suit.......also" this money from the United States" this is our tax money; so why can't we have the Pope arrested, for covering and protecting rapist ( Priest & Nuns ) what these Priest and Nuns have done to us " isn't this considered war crimes ?
ReplyDeleteAn international class action law suit is a great idea but one that requires a lot of backing. SNAP tried to interest the International Criminal Court in such a law suit but even with 22,000 pages of evidence the Court did not think it was a case for them. So SNAP took the evidence and went to the United Nations with it. The UN was interested and used the evidence to develop its report on the rights of the child and to expose what the catholic church was doing to children. So good things are happening. Other people like Kevin Annett who fights for the rights of abused, tortured and murdered Native American also influence world organizations. All of us on this site and on other blogs are visible to the media and we are helping to bring the evil church down. It takes people and organizations - all of us. We have to vote, stop supporting churches fiancially, demonstrate, blog, make youtube videos and keep the pressure on them. They are disgraced, more and more people are leaving the church and even churches want to break lose from the vatican. We are succeeding!
DeleteThe Catholic Church has always been a "negative force in my life!" I spent 12 "horrible years in Catholic School" in the late 40's & 50's both in New York and New Jersey, and I cannot remember ever feeling good about the way I was treated, or the quality of the education. The Catholic Church used their schools to "indoctrinate the young person" into the Catholic Cult Religion. I say "Cult" because the Christian Religion is a religion of love and peace, but the Catholic Church has changed it into a total negative cult experience. There was no "positive / personal self-esteem" in my classes in Catholic School. Questioning was not allowed. "Blind obedience" was the order of the day, and the quality of the academic education was VERY poor. The Nuns did not want the individual student to discover their inner greatness, and use their talents, skills and abilities to build a successful / positive life for themselves. Rather, all they wanted was to create robotic / loyal / cool-aid drinking followers who would blindly obey the orders issued by the Catholic Clergy. The Catholic Church is the biggest joke in the Christian World! The Catholic Clergy will tell the "faithful" to "give money to the church while depriving themselves and their family in the process," but they have no problem using that money to pay "hush money" to cover up their sexual crimes against children. They close their schools because they claim that they do not have the money, but they have enough money for their sexual activities. If Catholics in the United States want justice for their children they have to cut off the money supply to the church. QUESTIONS: When has the Catholic Clergy done a decent days work? They live off the faithful like parasites. ---- Have you ever tried to get a priest during the week? They are never available! ----- QUESTION: What are they doing? ---- ANSWER: ---- Having sex with children! ---- God bless everyone! ---- Stay far away from the Catholic Church for your own mental health and the health of your children. The Clergy are not to be trusted! ---- Have a GREAT day!
DeleteYou are right. Don't support criminals. Our donations will be used to protect the rapists: covering up for them, hiding them, paying for "therapy" that we know does not work and finally for comfortable retirements for these abusers of children.