Vatican officials (representing Pope Francis) are being investigated again by the United Nations Committee Against Torture this Monday and Tuesday May 5 and 6. Live on the internet will be leaders of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) from different countries and their attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR).
The hearings will be streamed live here: URL: From 10 am-12 pm CET (4 am-6 am EST) on Monday, May 5th, the Committee will question the Vatican on its compliance with the Convention. From 3 pm-6 pm CET (9 am-12 pm EST) on Tuesday, May 6th, the Vatican will respond to the Committee’s questions. Both broadcasts will be in English. Afterwards SNAP will report:
Tune in to our report-back on Tuesday, May 6, at 8:30 pm CET (2:30 pm EST): on YouTube. You can follow the global conversation about this historic hearing on Twitter using the hashtag #VaticanAccountability and ask questions before or during the report-back by tweeting to the hashtag or emailing your questions to SNAP will answer as many as possible during the livestream. Pope Francis likes to tweet – will he tell the truth about church torture and cover up?
Barbara Blaine, President and Founder of SNAP has a message to survivors of rape and abuse by the representatives of the Catholic Church:
“Please know that we are carrying your courage, compassion and support! Lots of the information we have conveyed came from your stories and efforts to expose the truth. We only hope we are doing you proud! If you want to convey any information, concerns or questions please let us know asap! Gratefully, Barbara Blaine”
This is the second time this year the Vatican has been called by an international body to account for its handling of the crisis of sexual violence throughout the Catholic Church. I hope such global attention will continue until the Catholic Church stops doing what they did to me and countless others while hiding behind God.
SNAP knows and I know firsthand that worldwide the children and vulnerable adults have been and continue to be subjected to widespread and systemic rape and sexual violence by priests and others associated with the Roman Catholic Church. Because of all the media attention now they do it anywhere children are isolated: Third World countries, on Native American reservations, in homes and convents where children are hidden away from society. The Vatican’s policies and practices enable this violence.
The Committee Against Torture has been clear that rape and sexual violence constitute forms of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. In April, SNAP and CCR submitted reports to the Committee, detailing how the Vatican has violated the core principles of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment, which it ratified in 2002.”
In the 5/2/14 article on the Huffington Post website (Vatican Urges U.N. Not To Equate Sex Abuse With Torture As Hearings Get Underway), the Vatican’s chief spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi stressed the Holy See’s “strong commitment against any form of torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.” Lombardi urged the U.N. Committee Against Torture to resist pressure from nongovernmental organizations “with a strong ideological character” that are intent on including the sexual abuse of minors in a discussion about torture. Of course he is referring to survivor advocacy organizations that include SNAP and BishopAccountability.
The Vatican’s permanent observer to the U.N. in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, made the same lame comment heard so often: that the incidence of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy was “the lowest” among all the professions, including teachers and judges. Pointing the finger is not a solution to rapist priests. He said suggestions that the church was some kind of “incubator” for abusive clergy were “dishonest and illogical.” Thou doth protest too much – because that is just what it is a hatching ground for vultures that prey on children.
Pope Francis and his cohorts did not appreciate the scathing report by the U.N. (last February) ordering the Holy See to open its files on clergy who had “concealed their crimes” and called on the church to remove suspected or known abusers. Pope Francis defended the church saying it had acted with “transparency and responsibility” on the issue. Every day we read accounts of another rapist priest, another cover-up by the bishop of a diocese, another survivor’s life ruined by mental and physical torture – how can he lie and deny?
SNAP, which represents 18,000 victims, said Friday that hundreds of children and adults were still being “sexually violated, tortured and assaulted” by Catholic priests. “Torture and violence can be subtle and manipulative. Or it can be blatant and brutal,” said SNAP President Barbara Blaine. “Either way, it’s horribly destructive to the human spirit, especially when inflicted on the young by the powerful, on the truly devout by the allegedly holy.” “Nothing has succeeded in getting Vatican officials to stop this violence,” she added. All of us, survivors, advocates and loved ones will never give up until they are stopped.
When the agents of the Catholic Church rape and torture children, they enter the Gate of Hell. As Dante wrote in one of the greatest literary works of humankind, it says on the Gate of Hell:
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate -- Abandon all hope, ye who enter here...
In Italian, it means more than just losing hope – but Pope Francis can read Italian so he knows what it means – they are losing their souls.
The UN committee is in session. Once they determine that rape of children by clergy is torture many, many survivors, me included, can bring lawsuits because torture has no statue of limitations. There is overwhelming evidence of this torture. See the new video at #VaticanAccountability.
ReplyDeleteLast week in Italy an organization of survivors of child sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests sent Pope Francis a videotaped appeal for justice and compensation. Rete l’Abuso (Abuse Network) made the video featuring dozens of adult survivors of child sexual abuse in religious institutions. In 2011 the group had written to then-pope Benedict XVI, asking him to deconsecrate three churches in which they were sexually assaulted as children. Justice for the crimes committed against them isn’t possible because of statutes of limitations under Italian law just as in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteLast Wednesday in Geneva, Vatican UN Ambassador Silvano Tomasi told the UN Committee Against Torture that since 1950, the Holy See has paid sex-abuse victims a total of $2.5 billion in damages and $78 million to pay for therapy. It hasn’t helped this group of survivors in the pope’s back yard and there are many more groups around the world that haven’t heard from the Vatican.
The Abuse Network in February called on the Vatican to declassify its archives on pedophile priests so they can be turned over to public prosecutors but no response was given. The Network has published a list of 148 convicted child-molesting priests, as well as a map of Italy detailing all the parishes where child abuse allegations have surfaced. Network organizers, ignored by the previous pope said, “We’re still here, and we’re asking the pope [Francis] to hear our call”. So whatever the Holy See has paid, it’s only a drop in the abuse bucket. If the UN Committee Against Torture rules that child rape by the catholic clergy is, in fact torture maybe all the rest of the survivors can get some justice. Article link:
I think that this "child abuse issue" is "bigger" than we can imagine! This has been going on for years, and the tentacles of the church have reached into very high places in "world governments." The little people and their children have always been expendable. We were the pawns in the chess game of life! The "end" has always justified the means in the eyes of the Catholic Church. If necessary, the Church will sacrifice a few priests and nuns to the "judicial system" to satisfy the complaining masses, but getting to the "BIG people in the church" will be a big issue! ---- REMEMBER the SS / Nazi's got out of Europe after WW2! The church is very clever, and they have a lot of money and influential people covering for them! They could commit murder and get away with it easier than the mafia! If you notice, the Catholic Clergy has always kept the "faithful" on their knees praying / giving their money on a weekly basis, and making financial sacrifices to the church while the clergy lived the comfortable life. They have always laughed at the little people while they used them for their own agenda. In life, the individual has a choice. The individual can either work at achieving their own goals, or they can work to achieve the goals of other people or organization. The Catholic Church has structured it's philosophy so that the faithful will give up on their own individual goals, and in place of those goals, work on the goals of the Church for their entire life with the promise of heaven. This is the BIG LIE! This is slavery Catholic Church style! God bless you and everyone who has been mistreated by the Catholic Church. I never liked the Catholic Church when I was a child growing up in NYC, and I like it less now that I am an adult!
ReplyDeleteReasons why people are walking away from the Catholic Church and rightfully so!
ReplyDelete1.) The Church is no longer in touch with the needs of the average hardworking / productive person. The church does not offer meaningful "here and now" uplifting Christian Sermons dealing with the problems facing people on a weekly basis in the "here and now!" The Church Sermons are either dealing with the "there and then" of Christianity, or the need for more money, or what the "faithful" are doing wrong in their daily lives. ------ Personally, I have had enough of the negativity and lying from the Catholic Church!
2.) The Church is a very weak organization. --- It cannot police it's own c;edgy. It covers up for the crimes against children that are committed by the clergy. It fails to admit the guilt of the clergy with regards to these crimes. It hides the clergy from prosecution! It cares more about the clergy than about the victim of the abuse!
3.) The Church does not meet the social needs of the people in individual parishes. It does NOT encourage "Christian Fellowship" before and after the Church Services. The faithful in the parish do not know one another, and the Church likes it that way. When people do not know one another they cannot voice their opinion as a united group. They are easily lead and controlled. Other Christian Churches encourage "Christian Fellowship" before and after the service. The membership then becomes a family. This is NOT what the Catholic Church wants in their churches.
4.) The Catholic Clergy are a group of very cold / calculating / negative / non caring individuals who are only interested in the bottom financial line of the Church. Money is their God! They "think" that they are somehow better than the people that they serve! They love to order people around! (Do as I say, not as I do is their philosophy of life!)
5.) The Catholic Church speaks to the "faithful" like children. They talk down to the congregation at services. They have no respect for the membership or for the children of the faithful. They are totally corrupt both in ethics, morals and doctrine.
6.) They have rigid formulas for the faithful by not for themselves. After all, they are the chosen ones. They are special. They are better than the Faithful. So as such, they are not subjected to the same restrictions as the faithful! They will be more that happy to tell you how to live, but they do not live in the same manner! The rules DO NOT apply to them!
The Catholic Church is the most corrupt organization on the face of the earth. I spent 12 years in Catholic Schools and it nearly destroyed my life. I am a Christian not a Catholic. There is a BIG difference. I find the Catholic Clergy to be very annoying people with hidden agendas. They are always looking to manipulate people to their own advantage.
The Catholic Church has lost it's soul, or maybe it never had a soul to lose! ---- The Catholic Church has rules and regulations for everything from getting married to going to confession, but the one area that they have no rules for is their "interaction with children." There is no "standard operating procedure" for the clergy in their interactions with children in Catholic Schools, and in activities sponsored by the Church. The "Clergy" seem to think that they can do what they want to children without any responsibility for their actions. And why not? Based on past practice, the Catholic Clergy have been able to avoid prosecution in civil court for their actions against children, because the church has made it a point to run interference for the offending clergy. The question is "Why?" The answer is very simple. The Catholic Church, and the leadership of the Church has absolutely NO RESPECT for the faithful, and NO RESPECT for the children of the faithful. In Catholic Institutions such as orphanages, the Catholic Clergy needs college courses in "Human Sensitivity," "Human Relations," "Common Courtesy," "ethics" and "Group Dynamics." What good is achieved by teaching young people about a Christian God, if the organization that is doing the teaching is "negative by nature," and "negative in its dealings with people!" The Catholic Church has never presented God in a loving fashion! They have always presented God as a father figure who cannot wait to punish you for your transgressions. On the other hand, the non-Catholic Christian Churches have always presented God as a friendly / caring being who was in partnership with the living human beings. Personally, I am very tired of the dictatorial attitude of the Catholic Church, and the negativity of the leadership of the Catholic Church. People DO NOT respond to "negativity" and "meaningless rules and regulations" that are designed to maintain blind obedience, and control of the Catholic population. The Catholic Church has rules and regulations about the wedding ceremony, but they have no rules and regulations about their interaction with children in their schools and institutions. The Catholic Church will tell the young couple that they cannot have the traditional wedding march at their wedding, because it is not considered church music, but they have no problem abusing children in their schools and institutions. I think they have a double standard with regards to their behavior! Churches should be serving the people! The people should NOT be serving the Churches! The Catholic Church owes the faithful a BIG apology for their crimes against children. They need to come clean, and in the process open their records and files. If these offending clergy are still alive then need to be brought to trail and punished. ----- What do you think? It is time that the "faithful" of the Catholic Church speaks out! Stop drinking the "Catholic Cool Aid!" Make the Catholic Clergy take responsibility for their actions!
ReplyDeletePope Francis called for "the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits,"arguing that the bible demands an economic system that cares for the "poorest and those most excluded!"
ReplyDeleteOn the surface this sounds very good, and it demonstrates an unselfish concern for the welfare of others, but when you think about this statement from a logical point of view, this statement is coming from someone who is NOT in the working world generating money, who has not offered to share the wealth of the Catholic Church, and who wants to use the money of the United States Citizens and the citizens of the other countries for the Church's agenda, and wants the church to be seen as a humanitarian organization to offset the sexual abuse of children.
If the church wants to get into the "world of politics" let them "clean up their act first," and then let them pay their entrance fee. That entrance fee is in the form of taxes on their land holdings, and on the profits of businesses being conducted on that property. Remember in the United States we have a separation of Church and State. The Pope has no right to tell any government how to conduct their economic system, especially when the Pope and the Vatican are guilty of many questionable dealings. The Pope is trying to "cloud the issue on child abuse" by trying to be seen as the "good guy in the white hat!" That might have worked in the 40's, 50's & 60's but it does not play well with an educated audience. It is time for the "Great Oz" to come out from behind the curtain, and take responsibility for the criminal priest and nuns. It is time to "face the music!" It is time to restructure the Catholic Church and make it human friendly. It is time to get off the big white horse and meet the people one to one!
the first distribution of wealth should be from the horde of gold, jewels, art work and other valuables in the cellars of the vatican!
DeleteSince the Catholic Church has failed to take responsibility for the abuse of children by the "clergy" in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions, the responsibility has now fallen on the "faithful" of the church to correct the behavior of the Bishops, Cardinals, and Pope.
ReplyDeleteThe leadership of the Catholic Church has chosen to ignore the concerns of people who were abused by the "criminal clergy." They have covered for the "criminal clergy," and they have made it impossible and / or difficult for the civilian authorities to take legal action against them in the courts.
The "faithful" of the Catholic Church have to get the attention of the Bishops, Cardinals, and Pope. --- The only way to get the attention of these "enablers" is to hold back the weekly donations to the church. ----- Put the local parishes in the RED! ----- If the faithful controls the finances of the church, the leadership of the church will start to pay attention to the faithful. Then the people who were abused by the "criminal clergy" will get justice and the needed attention!
You have great ideas -- hitting the enablers where they hurt most (in their pockets) is a key action in stopping them. This message is getting to many survivors and "faithful" because Google counts over 14,000 hits on Google + for this blog and over 3,000 directly on this blog. So if they all stop donating it will make a good dent in the wages of evil.
DeleteThe faithful of the Catholic Church have to learn to ask questions! They cannot continue to follow the corrupt leadership blindly. They need to ask their Pastors, Bishops, Cardinals and Pope these questions. ---- Why did the Catholic Church find it necessary to hide the "Criminal Clergy," and pass them around from parish to parish so that they could abuse more children? ----- Why did they Catholic Church pay "hush money" to the parents of the abused children to buy their silence? ---- Why did the Catholic Church use the money of the faithful to pay "hush money," while at the same time, they were closing schools all over the United States because they claimed that they were running out of funds? ---- Why is the Catholic Church afraid to open their records on the subject of "child abuse in the Catholic Church? ---- Why does the Catholic Church demand "blind obedience from the faithful," while the clergy is free to do what they want without any restrictions? ----- Why does the Catholic Church put pressure on the faithful to donate more and more money, and then spend that money hiding and protecting the "criminal clergy?"
ReplyDeleteRecognize that the Catholic Church is a "BIG BUSINESS!" The Catholic Church has two parts! The Church / Business operation and the Christian Religion. The business interests always comes first. People are expendable! The Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope could care less about the individual church member. The faithful are just pawns to be used for their money. The faithful are manipulated daily by the priests and nuns to do the bidding of the Catholic Church! They use blind belief as a way to get the faithful to believe that they can help the faithful attain heaven. ------ QUESTION: How can a corrupt church, that abuses children, help anyone attain heaven? --------- I would not follow these people around the block let alone on a protocol to heaven.
Ask yourself this question; ---- Why are the sermons of the Catholic Church so negative? The faithful are always lacking in some manner. They are never "ok!" They always need more prayers, more church services and more blessings that only the "criminal clergy" can provide! -------- The Catholic Church makes a "BIG DEAL" about the "concept of transubstantiation" but they totally ignore the abuse of children within the Catholic Church, and to add insult to injury, they protect the "criminal clergy" over the abused person. ----- Where is the logic? ------ Where are the ethics? ------- Where are the Christian values? ------ Where is the humanity?
The faithful has to take action to save the church, (if that is what the faithful wants to accomplish.) ------ Actually, the best thing might be for all the "faithful" to get up and leave the Catholic Church, and find a good / friendly / sincere / loving Bible based church, and more on with their life. ----- The Christian Religion is not a "negative religion." ---- It is based on love, concern, respect and the understanding of people. ------ The Catholic Church and it's leadership has lost it's way!
Dear friends,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People,
a new feature on, and ask for your support. Will you add your
name to mine? If this petition gets 100,000 signatures by June 15, 2014, the
White House will review it and respond!
We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama
Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets
enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.
You can view and sign the petition here:
Here's some more information about this petition:
Have all Rapist" Child Molester's" Registered Sex
The Catholic Church ( Vatican ) for decades have gotten away with "
rape, torture, abuse, on thousand's of Children all around the World. As
a victim" I'm asking the Obama administration & the DOJ; to
help all victims (Children) Who have been raped and abused in the past and
present; by Catholic Priest & Nun's. Victims" want
justice" We want "to see the Catholic Priest & Nun's to be
treated like all the other rapist,child molester; they should be Register Sex
Offenders; the evidence; of their rape & abuse on children" is in
the Priest & Nun's lawsuit. Around the world"
rape,abuse,torture the Catholic Priest & Nun's have done to innocent
Children" isn't this considered" (War Crimes) ?
I signed your petition and also put it on Twitter. I hope you get the signatures that you need.
DeleteThank you" I don't consider it my petition; It's for every Catholic Child's" who's a victim; due to the Priest & Nun's abuse" that went on for decades.
ReplyDeleteQUESTION: ---- When will the faithful, (membership), of the Catholic Church demand accountability from the Bishops, Cardinals and Pope for the actions of the "Criminal Clergy" with regards to "physical" and "psychological" damage that was inflicted upon children in Catholic Parishes, Catholic Schools and Catholic run Institutions? ----- The Catholic Church has used it's schools as "indoctrination centers" to impose a "distorted view of the Christian Religion" which is designed to stifle the self-actualization of the student. ---- Students are not only abused by the sick / criminal clergy, but they are not encouraged to maximize their talents, skills and abilities. They are not taught to believe in themselves, and in their ability to be successful. They are not taught to set challenging goals, develop a plan of action to achieve those goals, and in the process, make things happen in their life by design. They are taught to be dependent on the Catholic Church for all their "thinking" and "reasoning!" ----- Individual / personal success is not part of the agenda of the Catholic Church and / or the Catholic School's Curriculum. Control and submission to authority is the agenda of the Catholic Church and Catholic Schools. Children's lives have been ruined by the Catholic Clergy and the curriculum of the Catholic Schools, but no one seems to care! Now, as adults, these people are lost! They have never achieved their greatness, and as a result their lives are empty. Physical abuse by the "criminal clergy" played a major role in this process, and nobody seems to care! The "criminal clergy" are "let off the hook," and the Bishops, Cardinals and Pope go on as if nothing happened! -------- QUESTION: When does the individual get justice? ----- If the "faithful, as a group," does not take action against the "criminal clergy," then they are also guilty of "child abuse" because by ignoring the crimes, they are enablers. By contributing financial support to this negative Christian organization, the faithful are enablers. If the money stopped coming into the church in every parish across the United States on Saturday & Sunday the Bishops, Cardinals and Pope would sit up and take notice. ----- I guess each person has to make a decision on their own as to whether to cut the Church off financially! ----- I have made that decision. I no longer contribute to a Criminal Church without a soul!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous" you have all of the fact's ( the truth ) thank you; as you have described in your comment" this is how the victims live and go through for the rest of our lives" whether some of us would like to admitt it or not" it's the fact's we have to succumb come to. I like what you had to say"all victim's would; but I went on the White House site to see if you were going to act on your own true words" your belief" but i noticed that you didn't sign the petition "
DeleteThis is for all the victims of the Catholic abuse" for the Children now & then;
I just started a petition on the White House Petitions site, We the
People. Will you sign it?
Kindly be advised that "if" I signed the petition, I would no longer be "Anonymous!" I have been abused by the nuns in Catholic Schools in NYC & NJ. I understand the pain and the suffering that people like us go through, but I have managed to build a successful life for myself, within the educational profession, (in spite of my experience with the nuns), and I do not choose to put my name on any document within the public arena. This does not mean that I will not support the cause. I have already broken with the Catholic Church, both on a financial and a religious level. I am a practicing Christian, not a practicing Catholic. If the "faithful" of the Catholic Church would just stop their financial support of the local parishes, the Bishops, Cardinals and Pope would pay attention to the people. But the "faithful" are drunk on "Catholic Cool Aid," and they cannot see then "forest for the trees! They are being used and abused everyday, but every week, on either Saturday or Sunday they come back for more abuse! They listen to sermons that have no substance, and they pay attention to a group of clergy who have no soul! The Catholic Faithful are afraid to take on the Catholic Clergy! They believe that God will punish them if they take this action. I think the reverse is true. If children have been, and are being abused, and the faithful are doing nothing about it, they are part of †he problem, and they will be held accountable for not seeking and getting justice for the offended people. God Bless You!
DeleteAnonymous: I have to agree with you on all points;as a victim of the Catholic Abuse" & I did't know it happened to me" until I was in my fifty's;
ReplyDeleteI have never had anyone to talk to about what the Priest & Nun's did to me; I guess it's like you stated" I was lost back then" & I will always remain lost; We have to face the facts" the damage to the brain is irreversible" We are here but were not (FACT) and how looking back I walked this earth not knowing " how empty my life and brain was" and is" .................. everything that you have stated" is so true" true" because of the facts; (The victims).
I want victims; to get all of the signatures on the petition we need" so we can move forward on making the Priest & Nun's registered Sex Offenders" So the rest of the Catholic's can stop drinking their Kool-Aid" an realize this is 2014" and get side by side with the victims to shut down the Catholic School's / Catholic Churches; we have to do it because the Vatican; will never except that they are at fault for the damage they have caused all victims;" The real sad part of this, Vice President Biden is Catholic and his son Atty Gen Beau Biden,in Wilmington,De. they know about the Catholic abuse" and it seems like ,they have turned a blind eye" because our Government pay's $ 2.9 billion dollars to the Vatican ( Fact ) on that note maybe there is a way that victims here in the United States can get together and sue the Pope,Vatican, Our Government; The Catholic Church incorporated, now is the Catholic Church a non-profit or is it a corporation" because if it's corporation" then the Catholic Church is a business" and victims will be able to have brought on up on charges and shut down for good........
I will always sign petitions like yours. Some survivors of clergy and nun rape and abuse are not at a place in their lives where they feel comfortable making themselves public. Many have families that don't know about their abuse or work in places where that knowledge could jeopardize their jobs. That may be why more people don't sign petitions. The courts and law enforcement officials should not make allowances for criminal members of religious organizations -- they should get the same treatment and sentences as other sex offenders. There are politicians - state senators and others who believe this and we need to vote for them. It may not be quick, but it's effective and voting doesn't identify people specifically.
ReplyDeleteThank you" I 'm going to stay positive" I want us to get the 150 signatures that we need" so the Obama administration " can help to put an end" finally " to the Catholic Church" rape , torture, abuse on children; this is long over due;
Deletelike I said" I was in my fifty's when I had realize the damage done to me" and it was to late" I had missed out on my whole life & my Children's lives.
Anonymous" When you sign the petition on the White House site" all that show's are your initials" but" that's here nor there now" on your part............because the people that you have pointed out to us in your comment" you have describe yourself...... By the way" Victims like Us; don't consider it an experience" what the Priest & Nun's did to us" Victims; consider it a (tragedy);" and yes you were one of the few" who was able to go on in your life and get a good education, but some of the victims are still lost" lost in their minds and in their lives; their life taken away" an never to return to them; by no fault of their's" due to the abuse..............God Bless you also;"
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: I'm curious" the way people like reality shows now; I can only wonder if they would be able to handle a horrible " true to life " reality show about the abuse at the Catholic School's " the general public" like to be scared & this would do it " look what it has done to victims: and just maybe" we can get the rest of the Catholic People who still drink the Catholic Kool Aid" to stop drinking it , so they help to stop the abuse, torture & rape on innocent children." there's a lot of other people that need to see this reality show'' to wake them up; mainly the people Washington,DC " who just like to turn a blind eye" and the only time they will do anything, is when it hit's home" and believe me " I don't wish this pain on any child; The producer & Director that would make this show happen" is Mel Gibson; he can get information on victim's by contacting Snapnetwork. It wouldn't hurt to try ?
ReplyDeleteDear Patricia, you really have good ideas. You are correct that this is a difficult subject to see and talk about. It's not easy to get a TV show unless you know someone in the business. What is easier is to do YouTube videos. Many of them get large audiences. I plan to do them and all of the good ideas from this blog can be put to good use in the videos. Thank you for your comments.
DeleteGeorge, Thank you for the compliment.........I have never had the experience of working with YouTube" my petition" or I should say" (the petition for all victims of the Catholic Church abuse) is on your Blog; can you incorporate the petition some how into your video ?
ReplyDeletePatricia, I would definitely talk about your petition if I made a YouTube video. I won't be able to do a video for a while. First, I need to learn how to make one. Also I am in the process of moving back into my house that was destroyed by frozen water pipes that burst. The reconstruction is almost finished and once I get back in and get settled making a video is on the top of my list to get done. When I start working on a video I will write a post that lets you and others know so you can participate.
DeleteGeorge, I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a horrible winter experience" good luck with the move.......What a wonderful idea" and thank you for the offer to participate in your video.