
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

#PopeFrancis turns convicted #pedophilepriest loose in #India

Megan Peterson was sexually assaulted by Jeyapaul when she was 14; she is pictured with attorney Jeff Anderson

An Indian priest, Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul, 61 was convicted of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in the United States more than 10 years ago.  He actually assaulted two 14-year-old girls but got punished for only one crime in a plea bargain.  After his deposition he fled the United States, but was arrested in India by Interpol in 2012 and extradited to the United States.  Jeyapaul was sentenced for a year in the U.S. and suspended from his clergy job.  He went back to India and unbelievably his suspension was lifted by his bishop who was told to do so by authorities at the Vatican, according to CBS News.

The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Pope’s group responsible for spreading and defending #Catholicdoctrine, approved the reinstatement of Jeyapaul.  They would not comment when contacted by CBS News. 

A U.S. Attorney, Jeff Anderson, who represented the priest's victims, criticized church authorities for lifting Jeyapaul's suspension and urged the Vatican to be held accountable for what happened. He is exploring further legal action over the decision to lift the suspension.

David Clohessy of the victims’ group Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (#SNAP) says Jeyapaul should have been banned from ministry permanently.

"I think this convicted predator is being put back on the job for the same reason that bishops continue to conceal child sex crimes all across the globe," Clohessy said, "simply because they can."

So Jeyapaul is running around in India’s southern Tamil Nadu state.  Do his neighbors and their children know who and what he is?  Are they safe?  Ask Pope Francis.

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